
jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Re: When everyone can use a work, everyone benefits from it

(UA-52983230-2) [WMT-95212] | LOVER's project: 'Par Wâmuffïn-R Thierry Arnaud TAREAU") Le Père

Le 31 juil. 2014 16:13, "Creative Commons" <info@creativecommons.org> a écrit :

When everyone can use a work, everyone benefits from it.

The internet makes it easy for people to share and remix each other's work. But sometimes the law makes it hard.

When you share your creativity online, that work is automatically considered All Rights Reserved, whether that's what you wanted or not. Creative Commons licenses let you take copyright into your own hands, giving others permission in advance to use your creations under a few simple conditions of your choice. When everyone can use a work, everyone has endless possibilities to create, have their work grow exponentially, and contribute to history.

"As a writer, my problem is not piracy, it's obscurity, and Creative Commons licenses turn my books into dandelion seeds, able to blow in the wind and find every crack in every sidewalk, sprouting up in unexpected places."

– Cory Doctorow, Author

(Download and read Cory's book Pirate Cinema right now, for free.)

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